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Wednesday Night Bible Study Questions: Acts 13
1. In verse 2 what is meant by the phrase “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them?” Can you think of other examples in Scripture where this language is used? 2. How does the call in vs. 2-3 and the subsequent ministry differentiate from the ministry Barnabas and Saul were involved in before this specific call? 3. What practical lessons can we learn from this passage in relation to ministry, God’s call to a specific ministry and commendation by other believers? 4. Looking at how Paul dealt with Elymas the sorcerer (vs. 6-12) how should we deal with falsehood and opposers of the Gospel? Compare 2 Timothy 2:23-26. 5. When Paul and Barnabas came to a city, they would first go to the local synagogue and tell the Gospel (vs. 5 & 14). Why would they go there first? 6. What can we learn about how to preach God’s Word when reading Paul’s sermon in vs. 16-41? How important is knowledge of the Old Testament when preaching the Gospel? 7. How does the Old Testament quote in the second part of verse 34 support Paul’s statement in the first part of verse 34? What are the “mercies of David?” Where is this quote found in the O.T.? How does this quote relate to the quote in verse 35? 8. Jesus is presented as Saviour in Paul’s sermon. Which two men in Israel’s history are presented in this chapter as being incapable to save? How significant is this fact for Paul’s Jewish audience? 9. Compare verse 43 with chapter 11:23 and 14:22. Do you recognize a common theme? 10. What made the Jews angry in verse 45? How is Paul’s Old Testament quote in verse 47 an answer to the opposing attitude of the Jews? 11. Where is the quote in verse 47 found in the Old Testament? What similarities can you recognize between the context of this verse in the O.T. and the narrative here in Acts 13? |