Category Archives: 2025

Wed Feb 19 2025 – Acts 24

Wednesday Bible Study
Acts 24 & 25 questions 

  1. How do the opening words of Tertullus about the governor (24:1-4) compare with those of Paul (24:10)?
  2. What are the main emphases of Paul’s testimony before Felix (24:10-21)?
  3. What do Paul’s words in 24:14-15 teach us about the relationship between the Old and New Testament?  In what way is Christianity different than Old Testament Judaism and in what ways is it its fulfillment?
  4. In what ways does Paul demonstrate that he is a man of integrity?
  5. How might Paul’s continuous witness to Felix, despite his imprisonment, inspire us in our evangelism efforts today?
  6. What sort of things did Paul likely say to Felix, looking at 24:25, which says “he reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come?” 
  7. Ch. 25. By this time Paul had been in jail two years for something he didn’t do. What attitude does he show in this chapter and the following ones and how is that an example to us when facing great challenges?
  8. What is the significance of Paul’s words in 25:11, when he says “I appeal to Caesar?”
  9. In 25:18-20 Festus summarizes the central message of Paul’s testimony. What is it and what can we learn from it in how we talk about the Gospel to people around us?
  10. What does this chapter teach us about staying true to our convictions, regardless of our circumstances?