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Wed. April 24 2024 Jesse Devries – Acts 11

Bible Study Questions
1) Verse 1-18. Why is there such a detailed re-telling account of the experiences of chapter 10?

2) What lent credibility to Peter’s testimony to those in Jerusalem?

3) Verse 18. What does the phrase “repentance to life” mean?

4) Verse 19-20. How did the Lord use the persecution that arose over Stephen? 

5) Verse 22-25. Barnabas’ name is mentioned 24 times in Acts. What kind of a man was he? What lessons can we learn from his life and character?

6) Verse 23. What is the effect of “continuing with the Lord with purpose of heart”? How does that affect our lives and the life of the assembly? What is your purpose in life?

7) Verse 26. What is a Christian? Who is a Christian? Compare Acts 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16 where this word is found as well?

8 ) Verse 27-30. How can these verses help you in deciding to whom or where to give your financial collection?