Category Archives: 2012

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April 22

AM  Josh Poole

[audio:|titles=Apr 22, 2012 AM – J Poole]

PM – Scottie Brown

[audio:|titles=Apr 22, 2012 PM – S Brown]

PM  Thomas Lewis

[audio:|titles=Apr 22, 2012 PM – T Lewis]

April 08

AM Rod Belyea – The Resurection

[audio:|titles=April 8, 2012 Am Rod Belyea – The Resurection]

PM Grant Canfield – Galations

[audio:|titles=April 8, 2012 Pm Grant Canfield – Galatians]

April 01

AM – Robbie MacGregor – Proverbs Ch 6

[audio:|titles=april 1 2012 am robbie macgregor]

PM – Grant Canfield – Galations

[audio:|titles=april 1 2012 pm grant canfield]

March 11

AM – Josh Poole – Mark Ch 8

[audio:|titles=March 11, 2012 AM Josh Poole – Mark Ch 8]

AM – Dr Gordon Belfour – The Gideons

[audio:|titles=March 11, 2012 AM DR Gordon Balfour – Gideons Rep]

PM – Josh Caplan 2 Peter Ch 3

[audio:|titles=March 11, 2012 PM Josh Caplan 2 Peter ch 3]

March 04

AM – Leonard Vandenberg

[audio:|titles=March 4 2012 AM Leonard Vandenberg]

PM – Bob MacGregor

[audio:|titles=March 4 2012 PM Bob Macgregor]

February 26


AM – Leonard VandenBerg – Revelations Ch 12

[audio:|titles=Feb 26 2012 AM – Leonard Vandenberg]

PM – David Boisvert – Be Ye Holy for I am Holy [audio:|titles=Feb 26 2012 PM – David Boisvert -Be Ye Holy for I am Holy]

February 19

AM – Grant Canfield – Galations Introduction

[audio:|titles=Feb 19 2012 AM Grant Canfield – Galations Introduction]

PM – Grant Canfield – Galatians Ch 1

[audio:|titles=Feb 19 2012 PM Grant Canfield – Galatians Ch 1]