Category Archives: July 2012

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July 29

AM  Travis DeVries  Lk Ch 15

[audio:|titles=July 29, 2012 AM Travis DeVries]

PM Michael Maletick

[audio:|titles=July 29, 2012 Pm Michael Maletick]


July 15

AM   Cliff Campbell  Mark Ch 10

[audio:|titles=July 15, 2012 AM Cliff Campbell]

PM David Oconnor John 20:30

[audio:|titles=july 15 2012 pm david oconnor]

July 8

AM   Leonard VanDenberg  Revelation Ch 15

[audio:|titles=July 8, 2012 AM Leonard VandenBerg]

PM   Arthur Taylor

[audio:|titles=July 8, 2012 PM Athror Taylor]